Application root access

On vient de créer la base de donnée application à laquelle l'utilisateur application aura accès. D'autres commandes telles que la suppression des tables, de la base, l'ajout des données dans la base des données, etc. Il arrive avec le temps et l'utilisation que le fichier ibdata1 occupe un espace disque très important qui ne sera pas récupéré même en supprimant toutes les bases. Il est possible d'administrer un serveur MySQL via une interface graphique avec par exemple phpMyAdmin ou Adminer qui sont d'excellentes applications web.

D'autres outils sont disponibles, vous en trouverez une liste non exhaustive sur la page Outils MySQL. De nombreux paramètres du serveur MySQL tels que ses utilisateurs sont stockés directement en base de données. Ces bases de données ne seront jamais supprimées par APT et heureusement : on risquerait d'y perdre de précieuses données. En cas de problème de configuration lors d'un premier déploiement d'un serveur MySQL on doit donc effectuer un certain nombre d'opérations manuelles afin de réinitialiser complètement son installation.

Attention cela rendra les bases de données existantes inaccessibles! Il faut ensuite redémarrer l'ordinateur redémarrer le service apparmor ne suffit pas. Le plus simple est de réinstaller complètement MySQL.

Gérer les permissions root avec l'application SuperSU

Modifier cette page Liens de retour. Xenial , Bionic , sgbd , mysql , serveur , réseau. Pour démarrer le serveur MySQL, tapez la commande suivante dans un terminal : sudo systemctl start mysql. Pour redémarrer le serveur MySQL, tapez la commande suivante dans un terminal : sudo systemctl restart mysql. Pour arrêter le serveur MySQL, tapez la commande suivante dans un terminal : sudo systemctl stop mysql.

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Pour que MySQL prenne en compte les modifications de sa configuration, commande suivante dans un terminal : sudo systemctl reload mysql. Pour forcer MySQL à recharger ses fichiers de configuration, commande suivante dans un terminal : sudo systemctl force-reload mysql. Il est parfois utile de connaître la version installée: mysql --version. Si vous n'avez pas défini de mot de passe déconseillé : mysql -u root.

Si vous avez défini un mot de passe : mysql -u root -p et tapez votre mot de passe. À partir de Bionic Le système utilise ce compte pour effectuer des tâches de maintenance auparavant Ubuntu créait un compte spécial debian-sys-maint à cette fin.

How to get root access on any android device.

Redémarrez le service après avoir modifié le fichier de configuration : sudo systemctl restart mysql Pour créer un utilisateur mysql qui est autorisé à se connecter à distance : se connecter sur mysql en root : sudo mysql on ajoute -p si on utilise un mot de passe pour root Puis une fois connecté : GRANT ALL ON [ base de donnée ]. Ajoutez -p à ces commandes si vous utilisez un mot de passe pour le compte root :.

Si vous souhaitez mettre en place une solution de sauvegarde automatique de bases de données à intervalle régulier, rendez-vous sur la page de documentation de AutoMySQLBackup. Android Recovery.

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Gérer les permissions root avec l'application SuperSU Étape 1. Télécharger SuperSU Tout d'abord, vous avez besoin d'une application qui gère les autorisations root de vos applications. Étape 2. Gérer les autorisations root Pour gérer les autorisations root, activez l'application SuperSU.

Comment gérer les autorisations root sur Android

S'abonner à nos astuces mobiles. Root access breaks the Android security model and hence should only be used with care.

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  6. It is a bit like driving without a security belt or going mountain climbing without a safety line, it gives you more flexibility but is not a very wise thing to do. Secondly, companies like Google and application developers of security sensitive applications e. The Android security model is designed to separate applications from each other and this is a good thing, specially when running banking apps next to less trustworthy apps on the same device.

    Companies like Google and application developers expect their code to run on a trustworthy device and will only provide their services on such devices. Fairphone has made the conscious choice not to offer an option to root the device on its Google-services enabled software. That being said, we are working on a user-installable Google-free version of Android called Fairphone Open Source OS where we give more freedom to users.

    For this version we will make it easier for users to enable root access and install applications like SuperUser but will not include Google services. We are working to have this open source user-installable version ready soon, but we are not announcing a timeline for launch yet. Thanks for your announcement. Several people have committed to Fairphone because they feel it gives them the freedom to open it up, and denying that freedom in the software side caused quite some uproar.

    [RESOLU] super Su désinstallé: conséquence sur le root ?

    From in there, I think the option to download a rooted or rootable image could be given. After downloading that image, maybe enabling root access could be done with a switch somewhere in the settings. Ok, I understand that you made the decision, I also see that there are reasons why it was taken, though I personally see other reasons with at least similar importance, which would point towards a rooted FP2. But for the future I hope we can have a more open discussion on the rooting issue amongst the people who back the project.

    Or, much better, an option at first phone boot not sure if that is technically possible, but I guess software makes many things possible , where the user can decide which way to go.

    RootCloak Hides Root Access From Specific Applications

    I will for sure not put a new image on the phone for the time being, that is just too much configuration work after I set up the FP2 finally. All I wanted was the normal FP Onion 1. Next thing to do: open a Onion wish-list thread where we can write down all the things we would like from the non-rooted secure version of FP which we could have gained from apps that are rooted. Titanium backup does not work with the delivered OS, then we should get something of the same functionality working without having root.

    This will lead to fp2s with historic software versions, and I do not know whether that will be in your interest? If this is it, it sucks… and I deeply regret my purchase because I thought it would be everything FP1 was and more… now I get less of what I need. Not sure if switching root to off really fully restores Androids security model. I am not sure I understand what you are implying, sorry. First I was disappointed that the FP2 did not come rooted as the FP1 did , but now it even cannot be rooted easily.

    After all what was publicly discussed about privacy and security I cannot believe that the Fairphone does not offer the concerned users a easy way to control their data in the way they want, without using 15 tools, compiler and so on. What I want to say is: this decision is a bit more than just about security within the android system - it also gives an indication on who should own phone and data. It basically says that you guys believe that most of the FP users are not fit to act responsibly or not intelligent enough to control their data and therefore are better forced to use the normal environment, which is far from ideal.

    But I think it is good to look at this issue from different perspectives. Maybe there is a way if more users support this to rediscuss this decision. Not only because of making my life easier, but in order to give a clear statement that the FP2 enables the user to get full control. Hi, you understood me correctly. On the one hand, it means I will switch back to my old phone until fp-osos is ready to be installed.